Privacy Policy MasterBorn

How do we process your personal data?

When, as a natural person, you contact us or use our services, regardless of whether you act on your behalf or on behalf of another entity (e.g., our client, supplier, etc.) or when we have obtained your Personal data from other sources (e.g., from publicly available industry websites or when your Personal data have been disclosed to us as a contact for the purpose of execution of the contracts) we start to process your Personal data. We approach all information about you responsibly and in accordance with the law - in particular with GDPR.

Your privacy is important to us. This policy explains what Personal data we collect and how we process them. It also explains how our website uses cookies.

Table of contents

  1. I. Glossary - Basic concepts
  2. II. Whose Personal data do we collect?
  3. III. When may we process your Personal data?
  4. IV. What Personal data do we collect, and what is the purpose and legal basis of such activities?
  5. V. How long do we process your data?
  6. VI. Who has access to your Personal data?
  7. VII. What are the "Cookies" files and similar technologies? How and for what purpose do we use them?
  8. VIII. Contact details of MasterBorn
  9. IX. What are your rights regarding processing your Personal data by MasterBorn?
  10. X. California Residents – additional information

I. Glossary - Basic concepts.

Data controller or MasterBorn – MasterBorn Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Wrocław, at 13 Krupnicza Street, 50-075 Wrocław, Poland, registered with the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court in Wrocław-Fabryczna, VI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under entry number KRS 0000673935, NIP [taxpayer ID]: 899-281-66-01, REGON [enterprise ID] 367091774, share capital: PLN 100.000,00 contact email:

Personal data - all information that we process related to you. For example, first name and last name, email address, phone / mobile number, payment details, etc.

Processing – all operations that we perform on your Personal data. This includes, e.g. collecting, storing, updating, sending correspondence, and analyzing in order to issue an invoice and erasure.

Website - or any other website owned by MasterBorn, to which this Privacy Policy applies, in particular, available at the following addresses:,,,,,,; the rules of using the Website can be found in the relevant terms of service, available at the following link:

II. Whose Personal data do we collect?

We may process your Personal data if:

  1. You are our potential or current client or supplier;
  2. You are an entity (or you are providing services to an entity) that we want to advertise or sell our services to;
  3. You are providing services/work for our client or supplier or to an entity that uses our services or products developed by us (you act on behalf of them e.g., as their employee, associate, or representative);
  4. You are interested in actions that we undertake (e.g., you contact us or take part in our contest).

Information that we DO NOT collect - children

We do not knowingly solicit personal information of children under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information of and from children under the age of 18. If we learn that a child under the age of 18 has provided us with personal information without parental consent, we will take steps to delete it.

III. When may we process your Personal data?

We may process your Personal data received directly from you or other sources. Therefore, your Personal data may be processed:

  1. If you have provided us with your Personal data via various means of communication or via contact forms or register forms (e.g., by sending us an inquiry/offer, via email, by telephone or via Website, by registering for an event organized by us);
  2. If you sign up for our newsletter or download any content from our Website;
  3. In the case of conclusion or performance of a contract, including in case when your Personal data has been provided to us as contact data for the purpose of proper performance of the above contract;
  4. If we have received your Personal data from other sources (e.g., from an entity that is our contractor/client, during events, or from publicly available sources/websites);
  5. If you enter any of the competitions, contests, or sweepstakes organized by us.

IV. What Personal data do we collect, and what is the purpose and legal basis of such activities?

The scope of Personal data that we process depends on what information you or, e.g., your employer, provided to us, on the form of contact you’ve chosen, and on the information that is vital for a given relationship – it primarily encompasses the content of documents, as well as of our correspondence/communication, along with other information we have obtained from publicly available professional sources regarding our business relations (e.g., industry websites).

This data, in particular, includes:

  1. first name and last name;
  2. If you sign up for our newsletter or download any content from our Website;
  3. information regarding business and professional activity, including workplace, work position or department, and qualifications;
  4. address, phone number, e-mail address, IP number, or other contact data (such data may regard your workplace or may constitute your Personal data, depending on the relationship between you and the person (natural or legal) which you work for;
  5. information provided directly by you when contacting us by telephone, email, through our Website, via our social media or otherwise, and also information provided by you e.g., in contact/register form (e.g., date of contact, duration of our conversation, communication history, e-mail content, audio record of our phone call if you were informed in advance about such recording);
  6. information provided by you in our competitions, contests, or sweepstakes (e.g., first name and last name, e-mail address, information provided as our solution of a competition task).

Therefore, we obtain the above Personal data directly from you or other people, e.g., from your employers/clients or public sources.

We may process your Personal data under the following circumstances:

  1. When you use contact or register forms or other means of communication (e.g., social media channels)

    If you contact us using our contact forms or any other means of communication, including register forms for events organized by us, we collect your name and email address and other Personal data that you provided us with, e.g., workplace, work position, etc. We store your data along with the message you sent us, information about the type of your project, in case you provided it, and the content of our communication (e.g., chat history, e-mail content, audio record of our phone call if you were informed in advance about such recording).

    We process the above information in order to respond to your inquiries, enable you to participate in an event organized by us, improve our communication and the quality of customer service, as well as to promote our services, and conclude an appropriate agreement for the provision of services with you or your employer or other person for whom you work.

    The legal basis of our actions depends on the context of our communication. If these are only general inquiries or conversations, or if you represent another entity/person, the legal basis for such Processing will be our “legitimate interest” (results from the purposes indicated above – Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    However, if such inquiry leads to the conclusion of the agreement with you, including enabling you to participate in an event organized by us, the legal basis for such Processing will be “taking steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract” (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).

  2. When you are our client or contractor

    Once we have concluded a relevant contract, we may collect information necessary for the proper performance of this contract, such as data on the settlement of any due fees, how you use our services in the process of execution of our contract, and our possible communication.

    The purpose of Processing the abovementioned data and the legal basis as well is proper implementation of the agreement (Art. 6 (1)(b) GDPR) and compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, e.g., tax obligations (Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR).

    Regardless of the above, if you give us specific consent, we may process your image (photo provided by you or via public websites, e.g., Linkedin by publishing it on our Website or in our social media along with your first name and last name, name of workplace and sometimes your work position and description of such services or cooperation (case studies, testimonials etc.) in order to promote the services already provided to you or to the entity that you work for / which you represent or to inform about our cooperation publicly. The legal basis for Processing the above data is your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR).

  3. When we have obtained your Personal data from other sources, e.g., your employer.

    If you haven’t given us your data on your own behalf, for example, you are acting on behalf of our client, supplier, or another entity, we process your data in order to process the contact in the context in which you are acting in the name of the third party, as well as for the conclusion and/or Processing of a contract with that third party and/or conducting a joint project.

    The legal basis for Processing your Personal data in accordance with this purpose will be our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) – building and maintaining relations with the third party in whose name you are acting, including the conclusion and performance of relevant contracts with that party, as well as the intention of building a positive image of MasterBorn.

  4. When you visit our Website

    When you visit our Website, you may grant us consent to use cookies technology, which allows, e.g., for analyzing information about how you use our Website. We process this data in order to improve the quality of our website, match the content with the visitors’ interests, and constantly improve its performance. Some cookies also allow the marketing of our products and services, both within our Website and as part of our partners' websites.

    The legal basis for using the cookies and similar technologies is your consent, except when their use is necessary for the proper functioning of our website (providing you with electronic services) when the legal basis for such Processing will be a legal provision (Art. 173(3)(2) of the Telecommunications Law) and respectively – our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    Regardless, we can also process your Personal data in order to prevent and detect any security threats, fraud, or other malicious actions. In such a case, the legal basis for the Processing is our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    Our Website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and policies of those sites and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy practices.

  5. When you have signed up to receive updates from us via e-mail (newsletter) or social media channels, or you have downloaded any content from our website.

    We collect your email address if you fill out the newsletter box of our Website or enroll in marketing communication via our social media channels, and we use your data only for this particular purpose.

    If you want to download some promotional content from our Website, in some cases, you need to provide us with your email address. Depending on the topic of the content you are requesting, we can also ask you for some additional information, but providing it is always optional.

    In such cases, we process your data to send you the requested content and a follow-up message regarding the content's topic (or, in some campaigns, a series of messages). The legal basis for Processing the above data is your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR).

  6. When we have participated in the same conference or industry event.

    We may obtain some of your Personal data from you during a conference or industry event in which our representatives took part, or we may have obtained them from such event’s organizer. In this case, data from your business card, inquiry, or data from a list of participants are processed in our database in order to send you information that was interesting for you, respond to your inquiry, and conduct further correspondence/contact in this matter, or in order to thank you for the meeting or participation in an event.

    In such cases, the legal basis for Processing is our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) or your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR).

  7. When you enter any of our competitions, contests, or sweepstakes

    Personal data received from contestants are processed in order to conduct and adjudicate a contest/competition/sweepstake and perform the obligations arising from the contest. Such information may include your Personal data such as identification data (e.g., first name, last name, nickname, personal identification number), contact details (correspondence address, telephone number, email address, etc.), communication metadata (e.g., contact date), and its content.

    The purpose of Processing the abovementioned data and the legal basis as well is proper implementation of the agreement (Art. 6 (1)(b) GDPR) concluded with you by way of an acceptance of the terms and conditions of our contest/competition/sweepstake and compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject to, e.g., tax and accounting obligations (Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR).

    The legal basis for Processing your Personal data in accordance with answering any query regarding the contest is our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).

  8. When we want to promote our services or build a positive image of our company

    Regardless of the foregoing, your Personal data, that is in particular, your first name and last name, as well as correspondence address and/or e-mail address, can be used by us in order to contact you occasionally (for example, to send holiday season greetings) or to contact you regarding the promotion of MasterBorn’s products or services. The legal basis for Processing your Personal data in accordance with this purpose will be our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) – maintaining relations and building a positive image of MasterBorn and marketing of MasterBorn’s products and services.

  9. Additionally, with regard to the Processing of your Personal data:

    a. for internal record keeping, administrative purposes, analytics, and statistical purposes, the legal basis for Processing your Personal data will be our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR);
    b. to defend against potential claims, as well as for the purpose of potential directing claims, the legal basis for Processing of your Personal data will be our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR);
    c. to fulfill the legal obligations of the Data controller (e.g., tax, accounting), the legal basis for Processing your Personal data will be the necessity for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject (Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR).

In any case, we send commercial information to electronic addresses (email, telephone) only upon your prior consent (legal basis).

Your submission of Personal data is voluntary, but sometimes it may be necessary for purposes related to our cooperation, e.g., in order to conclude or execute the contract, to evaluate your application for a position in MasterBorn, to respond to your query, or to conduct further correspondence. This means that failure to provide data may constitute grounds for a refusal to enter into cooperation by MasterBorn, to take legal measures to terminate the possible contract by MasterBorn or to reject your application.

Please be reminded that in any case, when the Processing of Personal data is based on your consent, you may revoke it at any time without affecting the legality of Processing performed prior to such revocation. However, in the case of Processing your Personal data based on our legitimate interest, you may object to such Processing.

V. How long do we process your data?

We process Personal data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected, after which it will be deleted, except to the extent that it is necessary for us to continue to process it for the purpose of compliance with legal obligations to which we are subject or for another legitimate and lawful purpose.

As a rule, Personal data processed on the basis of our legitimate interest are processed until the objection to Processing or the fulfilment of the purpose for which it has been processed. If you are not our contractor, we store data gathered only in connection with our current communication, depending on the category of each information - for a period of several weeks (some cookies) to the maximum of 3 years (more specific inquires and conversations, which may be important for our future contact).

Data processed on the basis of the consent are processed until its withdrawal or fulfilling the purpose, for which it has been granted.

Data related to the performance of a contract that we have concluded are stored for the duration of the contract and usually for a period of maximum 7 years after its termination, what results from the tax regulations and limitation period of some claims.

The above periods may be extended, as appropriate, in the event of any possible claims and court proceedings - for the duration of these proceedings and their settlement, and also if we are obliged to further Processing of such data to meet legal obligations.

VI. Who has access to your Personal data ?

Your Personal data will only be accessed by duly authorized employees or associates of MasterBorn, who are obliged to maintain them in secrecy and not to use them for purposes other than those for which MasterBorn obtained such data. We may also disclose your Personal data to entities such as:

All these persons and entities have access only to the Personal data, which are necessary to perform specific actions by them. It is possible that some of the entities that provide us with solutions may be based outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In each case of data transmission outside the EEA, we apply all required safeguards, including standard contractual clauses adopted pursuant to decisions of the European Commission, we conclude data Processing agreements that meet the requirements of the GDPR and in the case of data transmission to the US, we verify the participation of our partners in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (more: and their compliance with other relevant laws. You have right to access the list of such recipients and a copy of the security measures we apply for the transfer of Personal data to third countries by contacting us at We may also be required to provide specific information to public authorities for the purposes of proceedings conducted by them. In this case, any information are provided only if there is a proper legal basis for it.

VII. What are the “cookies” files and similar technologies? How and in what purpose do we use them?

  1. What are cookies and other similar technologies?

    Cookies are small data files that are stored on your device (computer, phone, etc.) when you browse our Website. We use cookies and other similar technologies, including pixel tags, to recognise you as a returning user, to improve the quality of our service, to collect statistical data, and also for marketing purposes. We also process them to analyse the popularity and effectiveness of our offers and content. These cookies enable the website to recognise the user's device and display the content accordingly, customising it to the user's specific preferences.

    Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originate, the length of time they are stored on your device and a unique number. Cookies can store, among others, the following information: (i) IP address; (ii) unique cookie identifier, cookie information and information about whether your device, as a visitor to our website, has software to access certain features; (iii) unique device identifier and device type; (iv) domain, browser type and language, (v) operating system and system settings; (vi) country and time zone; (vii) previously visited websites; (viii) information about your interaction with our website, such as content you have viewed and the preferences you have indicated; and (ix) access times and referring URLs.

    Not all information collected through cookies would be considered Personal data under the GDPR. However, if you have provided your Personal data to us in the past, for example, by contacting us via a contact form, cookies can sometimes be linked directly to your data, for example, by linking ID numbers in cookies with other information related to you.

  2. What types of cookies and other similar technologies do we use and for what purposes?

    We use cookies and other similar technologies in order to ensure that our Website works properly and to perform its key functions. Notwithstanding the above, depending on the extent of cookie use to which you consent, we may – with your consent – track how visitors use the Website to understand their preferences. We also use cookies to obtain aggregated data about Website’s traffic and site interactions, to identify trends and obtain statistics so that we can improve our Website. This also enables us to customise the content of our Website and to present you with advertisements tailored to your preferences, even off our Website.

    We use two types of cookies on our Website: session cookies, which remain stored on your device until you leave our website or turn off your software (web browser), and permanent cookies, which remain on your device for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are manually deleted in your web browser.

    We use the following types of cookies on our Website:

    essential cookies – they include cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the Website and to enable the Website to function properly; functionality cookies – they enable our Website to remember information that changes the way the Website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in; with this information, our Website can provide you with customized, enhanced, or optimized content and services; performance cookies – they are used to analyse user behaviour within the Website, for statistical and analytical purposes (to improve the Website performance); they help us improve the way our Website works, for example, by ensuring that visitors of our Website can easily find what they are looking for, identify and diagnose problems or errors our users may encounter and make better decisions in improving audience’s overall Website experience; marketing cookies – they help determine what promotional content is most relevant and appropriate to you and your interests; we use them to deliver targeted advertising or limit the number of times you see an advertisement; this helps to improve the quality of content presented to you. Detailed information on the cookies that we use (including information on their provider, file type, their function and how long they are stored) can be found in the “Manage cookies” or similar section on the cookie banner – you can open it at any time by clicking HERE.

  3. Managing cookies

    You can change the way cookies are used at any time by managing the consents you have given in the privacy settings on our Website or in your browser. In particular, you may withdraw consent you have previously given, however, this will not affect the lawfulness of any action taken on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal. If you wish to manage your cookie consents on our Website, we provide a tool for this purpose. Its interface shows all types of cookies with their description and also allows you to decide which types of cookies you accept. You can easily change these settings at any time using the dedicated functionality available under the “Manage cookies” or similar button available on our Website. It is displayed at the bottom of the page at all times when you use our website. You can also see or manage your cookie settings by clicking HERE at any time. Most browsers also provide functions for viewing and deleting cookies. Please remember that disabling or blocking certain cookies may prevent or significantly hinder the proper functioning of our website, for example by slowing it down.

    Browser producers provide help pages on how to manage cookies in their products. You can find more information below.

    Google ChromeInternet ExplorerMozilla FirefoxSafari (Desktop)Safari (Mobile)Android BrowserOperaOpera Mobile

    For other browsers, please refer to the documentation provided by the browser producer.

VIII. Contact details of MasterBorn.

The data controller of your Personal data is MasterBorn Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Wrocław.
Address: 13 Krupnicza Street, 50-075 Wrocław, Poland
Contact e-mail address:

IX. What are your rights regarding the Processing of your Personal data by MasterBorn?

Please note that the instructions given below are only a recommendation, not a requirement.

  1. Access to your Personal data

    You may ask us at any time for access to your Personal data, in order to check what data about you we process and to obtain detailed information regarding:

    1. whether we are Processing your Personal data ,
    2. for what purpose,
    3. what categories of data we are Processing,
    4. who is the recipient of your data,
    5. what is the planned duration of Processing (if possible), and if we are not able to say, the criteria for determining that duration,
    6. if the Personal data has not been given by you – all available information about the source of the data.
  2. Right to rectify the Personal data

    If, in your opinion, information about you is or has become inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to demand that data is rectified or made complete.

  3. Right to erasure of the Personal data

    In certain situations, GDPR gives you the “right to be forgotten.” You can invoke this right if we are still Processing your Personal data , particularly in the following cases:

    1. the Personal data is no longer vital for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
    2. you revoked consent to the Processing of Personal data and there is no other legal basis for continuing to process it;
    3. you object to the Processing of your Personal data when there are no overriding, legitimate grounds for Processing;
    4. you object to the Processing of your Personal data for marketing purposes;
    5. your data is processed in a manner that violates the law;
    6. the law requires that we erase your data.
  4. Right to restriction of Processing

    You can demand that we limit Processing of your Personal data when:

    1. you question the correctness of Personal data we are Processing – for a period of time that allows us to determine the correctness of that data;
    2. the Processing of your Personal data violates the law, but you prefer that Processing be restricted rather than the data be erased;
    3. we no longer need your Personal data for the purposes of Processing, but you need it for establishing, pursuing, or defending legal claims;
    4. you have objected to the Processing of your Personal data – only until the dispute has been resolved.
    5. Effective submission of a request for restriction of Processing Personal data, will limit the actions taken by us on the data indicated by you and in the scope of particular operations/purposes to necessary minimum - basically only to storage.
  5. Right to data portability

    You have the right to receive your data in a commonly-used format that can be read by a computer, and also to have your data sent to another data controller.
    You may invoke this right, if:

    1. Processing is done on the basis of your consent or a contract; and
    2. Processing is done in an automated manner.
  6. Right to object

    In certain situations, you have the right to object to some operations we perform on your Personal data. You may invoke you right:

    1. when Processing of your Personal data is based on Art. 6(1)(e) GDPR that is, when Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in MasterBorn, including profiling, on grounds relating to your particular situation;
    2. when Processing of your Personal data is based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR that is, when Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by MasterBorn or by a third party, including profiling, on grounds relating to your particular situation;
    3. when Personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, at any time and to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing;
    4. when we process your Personal data for purposes related to scientific or historical studies, or for statistical purposes, on grounds relating to your particular situation.

    Remember, however, that when despite of your objection we conclude that there are important, legitimate grounds for Processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the basis for establishing, pursuing or defending claims, we will continue to process your Personal data encompassed by the objection. If you disagree with such an assessment of the situation, you can exercise your right to file a complaint with the relevant public authority (more information below).

  7. Complaints to the relevant public authority
    In connection with our actions as the Data controller of your Personal data, you have the right to file a complaint to the relevant data protection authority. If you would like to file a complaint to the data protection authority, you can find list of local authorities responsible for data protection across the EU and their contact details at: In Poland this function is performed by President of the Personal Data Protection Office (PUODO). A detailed description of the complaint procedure is available on the website maintained by PUODO at:
    To ensure the exercise of your rights, please send each request via e-mail to, with the subject “GDPR request”, and specify which rights you wish to exercise (please note that you may submit your request in another form, including in writing).
    Of course, if you have any comments about how we do things, we encourage you to first contact us If you contact us with a privacy complaint, it will be assessed with the aim of resolving the issue in a timely and effective manner.

X. California Residents – additional information

The California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (“California Privacy Laws”) requires us to disclose the following additional information related to our privacy practices. If you are a California resident this section applies to you in addition to the rest of this Privacy Policy.

  1. Categories of Personal Information Collected, Used, and Disclosed
    1. In the preceding 12 months, depending how you interact with our Website, we may have collected the following categories of Personal data:
    2. Identifiers, such as your name, address, unique personal identifier, email, phone number, or similar identifiers.
    3. Commercial information, such as information relating to transactions with us involving you or the person that you work for, and information about events to which you or those
    4. related to you are invited, and your personal information and preferences to the extent that this information is relevant to organising and managing those events.
    5. Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform.
    6. Geolocation data, such as geolocation, to the extent you have configured your device to permit us to collect such information.
    7. Inferences drawn from any of the information listed above, such as your preferences, characteristics, behaviour and attitudes.

    For more information about the Personal data we collect and how we collect it, please refer to “What Personal data do we collect and what is the purpose and legal basis of such activities?” sections above.

    The categories of third-parties with whom we may share your Personal Information are listed in the “Who has access to Personal data” section above.

  2. California Privacy Rights
    If you are a California resident, you have rights in relation to your Personal Information as identified below; however, your rights are subject to certain exceptions and are not absolute. We may deny your request: (a) when denial of the request is required or authorized by law; (b) when granting the request would have a negative impact on another’s privacy; (c) to protect our rights and properties; (d) where the request is frivolous or vexatious, or for other reasons.
    1. Right to Know. You may have the right to obtain a copy, or a list of categories of the Personal Information that we hold about you, as well as other supplementary information, such as the purposes of Processing, and the entities to whom we disclose your Personal Information.
    2. Right to Correct. You may request us to rectify, correct or update any of your Personal Information held by us that is inaccurate.
    3. Right to Delete. Under certain circumstances, you may have the right to request that we delete the Personal Information that we hold about you. This right is not absolute, and we may refuse your right to delete if (i.a.) it is reasonably necessary for us to provide a service requested by you; to perform a contract between us; to maintain functionality and ensure security of our systems; to enable solely expected internal uses of your Personal Information; to exercise a right provided by law; or to comply with a legal obligation.
    4. Right to Portability. Under certain circumstances, you may have the right to receive Personal Information we hold about you in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format so that you can provide that Personal Information to another entity.
    5. Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform.
    6. Right to Opt Out of Sale/Share. You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information in exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration, including sharing of your Personal Information to third parties for behavioral advertising purposes. We do not sell your Personal Information for profit, but like many websites, we use cookies, pixels, and similar technology, and we share certain information, such as your IP address or device identifiers, to certain third-party advertisers in order to improve your user experience and to optimize our marketing activities. To exercise your right to opt-out of share of your personal information, please change the way of using cookies files (you can completely block them) via your web browser – more information on how to do it, please see the “What are the “cookies” files and similar technologies? How and in what purpose do we use them?” section above. Please note that you may still receive generalized ads after opting out of targeted advertising.
    7. Right to Limit Use of Sensitive Information. To the extent your sensitive personal information (as that term is defined under California Privacy Laws) is used to infer characteristic about you, you have the right to direct us to stop such Processing of your sensitive personal information for such purposes. We do not process any sensitive personal information to infer characteristics about you.
    8. Right to Object to Automated Decision-Making. You may have the right not to be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated Processing (where a decision is taken about you using an electronic system without human involvement) which significantly impacts your rights. No decision will be made by us about you solely on the basis of automated decision making which has a significant impact on you.
    9. Right Against Discrimination. You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising any of the rights described in this section. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights.
    10. Direct Marketing If you are a California resident, you can request a notice disclosing the categories of personal information we have shared with third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes.
  3. Exercising Your California Privacy Rights
    You may exercise your rights by contacting us at In your request, please make clear which right you would like to exercise. Before fulfilling your request, we are required by law to have you to verify the Personal Information we already have on file to confirm your identity. If we cannot verify your identity based on the information we have on file, we may request additional information from you, which we will only use to verify your identity, and for security or fraud-prevention purposes.

This Privacy policy is effective as of January 2024
Last update: January 2024